Wednesday, February 16, 2011

#2. Going to my first class

So things have certainly changed in the decades since I kept bees.  I got a preparatory notification from our bee guru, Ray Lackey, about tonight's class, by computer.  Yahoo Group, to be specific.  Last time I had bees there were no computers.  

Among other things we are going to accomplish this evening, is the ordering of bees.  I will be writing a check for bees!!!  Tonight!!!  Need to decide whether I want "package bees" or "nucs".  I think I'm going to go with the 'nuclear option', or, as I will now be referring to them, 'the nukes' (decision based solely on silliness).  Plus I called Kelvin today and he said that the juveniles are the 'wax builders', so nukes might be better anyway.  More youngsters, apparently.

Also in the Group posting were some helpful links, one of which I checked out  An unbelievable free resource where you set up a virtual apiary, based on the apiary in your backyard.  These amazing people monitor your specific conditions and can help you if your bees are in trouble.  Still, I have a sneaking suspicion that beekeeping will come down to good old elbow grease and common sense.

1 comment:

  1. Jess, as always you are amazing... you have found your piece of heaven there in Montauk, and you are making it your own. There is no copying of anyone's taste it is truly your own, Now Bees!!! I love it! I feel like we are in the movie Fried Green Tomatoes... Thanks for doing this Blog... I am keeping an eye on it everyday! Cannot wait to hear about last nights adventure.
